2019 Airfield Electrical Upgrades, Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport – Louisville, KY

Project Owner: Louisville Regional Airport Authority (LRAA)

As part of LRAA’s $24.4 million airport infrastructure grants awarded from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Airport Improvement Program (AIP), T.E.M. Group, Inc. was awarded the contract to upgrade airfield lighting. The project included removing and replacing runway lights and lighting wire housed in conduit and ducts underground, accessed via airfield manholes.

Working on airport runways provides a new level of safety and security concerns for all involved. Security clearance and specialized safety training were completed prior to the project start including confined space training and certification for manhole entry and exit. Coordination with LRAA was critical to move and protect workers, trucks and equipment on and off airfields. Work could only be performed during temporary runway closures. Airstrip lighting could never be down after a temporary closure.Work was performed safely while keeping the airport running smoothly.